A 'picturesque' landscape
Regarding tourism this country unfortunately often gets overshadowed by its bigger neighbour, the Netherlands. That is one more reason why we at Eurobike strive to put Belgium in the spotlight too. Belgium is home to great artists such as the Bruegel family and Peter Paul Rubens, but it has lots to offer for those who are not art enthusiasts too. Romantic river meadows, light forests and meadows lined with willows are inviting to any cyclist. Upmost relaxation and inspiration are guaranteed. The ambient scenery is rounded off by the excellent Belgian cuisine which draws inspiration from both the sea nearby and the French Haute Cuisine. Belgian beer, of which there are over 750 different types on offer for sampling, is world famous and definitely worth a try too.
Countryside and city in a small space – historic bourgeoisie and the great outdoors
Many Belgian cities such as Bruges, Antwerp or Ghent are characterised by international trade and a liberal burgeoisie, whose historic buildings are today in many places UNESCO World Cultural Heritage sites. They are in stark contrast with surrounding areas coined by agriculture, where picturesque villages alternate with vast fields and pastures. In addition Begium commands an extensive network of cycle paths – in the Belgian and Dutch province of Limburg alone there are more than 1800 km of routes which are nearly exclusively reserved for cycling holidays. Conveniently northern Belgium is nearly devoid of hills, only in the South and the Ardennes region can you expect ascents.