Cycling holidays in Russia

The multiethnic state of Russia takes up by far the largest land surface of all countries in the worl. At the same time though – according to statistics – it has one of the lowest population densities. It ranks approximately thirty-times below that of Germany with a mere eight people per square kilometre. The reason for this is of course due to the endless expanse of the Siberian tundra and the Asian part of Russia, since the region which is geographically part of Europe is considerably more densely populated. Nevertheless there are still vast, untouched areas with diverse nature to be found, which hardly any other country in the world has to offer to this extent and variety. Conditions for a cycling holiday naturally vary considerably with such a giant area of land. In large areas however there is by now a good infrastructure in place with small, tranquil and asphalted side roads. This does however not mean you have to embark immediately on a long-distance journey along the Trans-Siberian railway, although the route is now expecially well-developed over large distances.


On a cycling holiday in the vicinity of Moscow

The undisputed heart of Russia is of course its capital Moscow, which is considered Europe’s largest metropolis region with its surrounding suburbs. But already after a short journey behind the city walls a native scenery starts with little villages and unspoilt nature providing wonderful and idyllic surroundings for your cycling holiday. With our guided cycling tour you explore this area and visit ancient monasteries as well as other sights. You will follow the course of the river Volga and you will also learn on the side cooking skills Russian bonne femme. After a few days spent in the Tver region with a visit to the old part of town, which was partly planned and built by Cathrine the Great, you keep following the river to Yurievskoe. After a detour to the Moscow canal you will leave the magnificent Volga shores with a heavy heart and continue through pine forests and wide fields to Sergijew Possad.